Keeping track of your Vehicles
Riding out of the complex won’t be a kid’s play anymore. Know when your vehicle is moving. Hello Residents keeps a check on it and instantly notifies you. Read how

Vehicle Database
Taking your car out for a spin or making a trip to the nearest shopping center, you will be notified as and when/ whenever your vehicle moves. Supported with RFID tags (Radio Frequency Identification) synced with Hello Residents cloud, a complete record of each vehicle of the society helps you protect against any incidence of theft and vandalism.
Track Wrong Parking
Parked your vehicle at the wrong place or saw someone’s car getting in the way, click a picture/enter the last four digits of the number of the vehicle in the app, track the owner as the app sends the notification to the said owner in a quick second. Resolve the parking issue in a hot minute.

Other ways your wheels are secured

Advantages of Vehicle Management
Be it your two or three-wheelers, our extensive database has the log of your society's vehicles. Its movement tracks every vehicle.Be it your two or three-wheelers, our extensive database has the log of your society’s vehicles. Its movement tracks every vehicle.
Vehicle Tracking
Vehicles verified with RFID tags are tracked on entry and exit. The tag can be switched off, and in case of theft or forced exit, an alert will notify the owner.Vehicles verified with RFID tags are tracked on entry and exit. The tag can be switched off, and in case of theft or forced exit, an alert will notify the owner.
No Theft
Once in the society, the RFID tag can be deactivated and be activated from the app itself to prevent the unwanted exit of your vehicle from the society premises.Once in the society, the RFID tag can be deactivated and be activated from the app itself to prevent the unwanted exit of your vehicle from the society premises.