We know the value of a helping hand

Hello Residents allow you to fully utilize the support staff by making the communication process easier and effective for you.

Raise a support ticket

Facing a leaky tap and need a quick fix? Just click a picture send it to admin, the complaint will be sent to the next technician available. Track this entire process start to finish. When the complaint gets resolved, the technician shall upload the same picture hence keeping everybody in the loop. In case you are unsatisfied, face a delay, finding a solution will not be a problem as you can retrace the same complaint and take action accordingly.

Admin Dashboard

Managing Multiple households can be a gruesome task for even the most qualified and compliant RWA’s. Hello Resident’s ERP module has simplified the task to the T and helps to manage your community effortlessly. From billing to raising tickets, everything IS automates reducing the chances of any manual error, thus easing the process for them and elevating the community living experience for the residents.

An App for Technicians

We have all been cheated by a technician and if not cheated then left unsatisfied by the work done by them. Rest assure Hello Residents will take care of it! We have found just the solution by providing a device to the technician, thereby allowing him to update, resolve and be in the loop as he solves the complaint. The app shall highlight the tickets he has received, ones which are resolved, in progress and urgent attention tickets as well, keeping the process as transparent as possible.

Technician Logs

The technician log is another innovative feature that will help the resident track the complaint with every moment. From once the technician arrives till he resolves the complaint, you will be in the knowhow of it. Check status as you go and raise an issue if left unsatisfied. Thus, leaving no scope to be left cheated.

Additional ways that simplify living in a gated community

  • Assign ticket to appropriate technician

  • Add a supervisor to a ticket

  • Instant chat feature for each ticket

  • Choose severity of the issue

  • Option for admin to open a ticket

  • Comprehensive filtration for admin

  • Auto escalation incase of no resolution

  • In app call to resident for feedback

  • Email alerts for all updates on a ticket

  • Track location of technician

Advantages of Helpdesk

Reduce Staff

Only the most skilled staff is ready to help you quickly and efficiently. Reaching on time, finishing the said task now takes limited time.

Only the most skilled staff is ready to help you quickly and efficiently.  Reaching on time, finishing the said task now takes limited time.


From start to finish check the status of your registered complaint. Monitor every step. Chat with support to find a solution.

From start to finish check the status of your registered complaint. Monitor every step. Chat with support to find a solution.

Save Time

Forget registering your complaint in the register, speedy support and resolutions via the app save you some time and effort.

Forget registering your complaint in the register, speedy support and resolutions via the app save you some time and effort.


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